Aged Care
Bankier LOWMEAD, Bundaberg
Job Description
Live in Aged Carer for 92yo man and 1 well behaved dog.
End of August to end of October – 8 to 10 weeks approx.
(whilst his daughter is away for work)
In small friendly village with 1 pub.
Tidy small house and garden with country views.
80km north of Bundaberg / 120km south of Gladstone.
50km to Agnes Water/1770.
Must have Drivers License. 2 cars available to drive 1 auto 1 manual.
Weekly shopping in Agnes Water.
Cooking – basic meals – lunch and dinner daily.
General housework – washing – bed change – dust etc
Cleaner comes every 2 weeks for basic floors and bathroom cleaning.
Gardening – weeding watering – has veggie garden.
Needs assistance with TV remote and internet/wifi TV.
He is active in mornings, naps during the day. In bed 8pm.
Needs supervision at times and company.
Bedroom and food included.
Postcode: 4676 (LOWMEAD, Bundaberg)
View more Jobs in Bundaberg or Au Pair Jobs in Bundaberg for backpackers.
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Member since: July 2023
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Aged Care