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Chicken Broiler Farm Manager

JOMA Operations Pty Ltd Rosedale, Victoria

Job Description

We are looking for an experienced Broiler Farm Manager for a 8 Shed RSPCA Tunnel Ventilated Broiler Farm located at Rosedale, Victoria.

You will be responsible for the day to day operations and managing of staff when required and ensure cost effective and efficient bird production.

Duties will include all aspects of broiler farm management, including;

Daily care and general welfare of the chickens
Monitor temperature and environment of chickens to ensure they are comfortable and meet RSPCA requirements.
Attend to alarms when required.
Daily paperwork - Bird weights, Mortalities, Feed Ordering and Gas.
Shed set up, washing sheds and pick up duties for every Batch.
Operating all farm machinery, weed spraying, slashing rotary hoeing and all farm operations.
Strict bio-security rules to be followed

Applicant must be:
Work Unsupervised

Applicant Must Have :
Drivers Licence
Basic Computer Skills
Poultry Farm Experience

A very attractive package will be offered to the successful applicant including new farm and house with with electricity.

Applicants for this position must be an Australian resident.

Postcode: 3847 (Rosedale, Victoria)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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JOMA Operations Pty Ltd

Member since: March 2023

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Joma Operations Pty Ltd is a fast expanding Broiler Farm business based in the Gippsland region. We are entering a growth phase for our operations with a second Broiler Farm under construction and future development for an additional two farms in an advanced stage of planning and approval, all together in the one location.
With these new developments we are seeking people to manage and work the farms to ensure we have the maximum quality people to bring along on our journey and to help us achieve optimum operational efficiencies. An exciting grass roots entry into our organisation is assured to the right people who are dedicated, hard working and seeking an opportunity to grow their careers in the broiler farm industry.
Come and join us and be part of this exciting opportunity to grow your career and establish yourself as an important part of our Group.

Farming, Animals & Conservation