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Au Pair

Hudson Dowerin, Western Australia

Job Description

Hi all,
My name is Rhiannon I live in Dowerin Western Australia….. we are looking for an Au pair between June and July for the seeding period on our farm. The work is not “ farm work”, it’s to help out with my general jobs with my kids and life whilst my husband is busy working during seeding….

Dowerin is 177 km from Perth ( 2 hours from Perth). We are a family of 5. We have twin boys who are 5 years old ( both in full time school) and a beautiful little girl, Indie who is 10 months old. We live on a large farm, where we seed canola and wheat. We also have 4 thousand sheep.

We are looking for someone to help me during the June to possibly July ( max 1 month) . This job would involve getting the kids ready for school alongside myself in the mornings, help with pick up and organising kids in the night plus dinner and various other needed jobs that goes with organising kids and household. Possible extra small jobs on the side and occasional baby sitting ( possibly).

You’re welcome to take the weekends off… also we have a property in Perth which I often go to, happy for you to stay there if I travel there on weekends and can transport you.

I’m a really positive, energetic and kind person. Often not the kind of person to ask for help, but will be so happy to have some company and help during our busy season…

The job will include accomodation, food, wifi and transport. Please let me know if this suits you… sorry we can’t sign off on rural work for visa applications… DM if you are interested ?

Postcode: 6461 (Dowerin, Western Australia)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Member since: February 2023

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