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Nelson Hotel NELSON, Victoria

Job Description

We are seeking Chef/Cook for our busy country Hotel. The Nelson Hotel caters local trade plus a vibrant tourist influx. We currently are doing Lunch and Dinner seven days a week. The position will include food preparation, cooking, ordering, Safe food handling, cleaning and hygiene. We are open to different styles of cooking and embrace speciality dishes. We pay award wages and pay weekly. We are situated in Victoria, 3 km from the S.A./VIC border, on the banks of the Glenelg River, and very close to Southern Ocean. Nelson is a small town with around 200 residents, most houses are holiday homes or Airbnb rentals. We have a steady flow of tourists, holiday house owners and locals. Come and join our busy team at the NelsonHotel-Nelson

Postcode: 3292 (NELSON, Victoria)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Nelson Hotel

Member since: October 2022

This employer uses a email account.

We are looking for casual/part time bar staff to join our team as the busy summer months are fast approaching. Our little pub is full of character and is the heart of the Nelson community. We often host and support live music and community events.
Nelson is a beautiful town located on the coast of Victoria and the Glenelg river. The lifestyle that this position would provide is ideal. Beautiful location, great fishing, lots of places to explore. Nelson is a 20 minute drive from Mount Gambier, SA and a 40 minute drive to Portland, VIC. You will be welcomed into the Nelson community with open arms.
Please send us a message for more information, call us on (08) 8738 4399, or email us on [email protected]

Hospitality, Travel & Tourism