Cellar Door Tastings And Events
Montara Wines Ararat, Victoria
2nd Year Visa Eligible
Job Description
We seek a person that is highly motivated, has excellent communication skills, a solid work ethic- and the ability to take instruction and execute tasks with accuracy and efficiency.
An interest in wine would be viewed favorably, but above all- the ability to learn, adapt, show initiative and be part of a small tight knit team is essential.
A current Victorian RSA is required for this position.
Responsibilities and Duties:
Preparation and set up for; events, tastings, functions and various
Daily operations of the cellar door
Tasting service
Food service
Wine retail sales (Including operation of POS and EFT systems)
Promotion of our Wine Club
Assisting management with special events/functions, and liaise with clients/stakeholders.
*On site accommodation is included!
Postcode: 3377 (Ararat, Victoria)
View more Jobs in Victoria or Au Pair Jobs in Victoria for backpackers.
Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.
This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Montara Wines
Member since: September 2022
Employer's email matches the montarawines.com.au website.
Established in 1970, Montara is captivating with its panorama of plains, mountains, vines, and old-world charm of the Ararat gold rush days. Situated 200 kilometres west of Melbourne in the Grampians region, it is a feast for the eyes and the spirit.
Hospitality, Travel & Tourism