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Au Pair

Ward traileds St Kilda, Victoria

Job Description

Au Pair
Free rent free utilities including power gas
and Internet. And a car provided for school
drop offs and pick ups and for your own
personal use.
I'm a father looking for a Reliable au pair That can drive my son to school and pick
him up from school 3.5 days a week.
Me and my son live in a three bedroom house in St Kilda. You can see Luna Park
from our front yard and our house backs on to Acland Street. Football fields are just
across the road and a short walk to the beach. It's an amazing spot right in the heart
of everything.
I run my own company and Need someone to drop him off and pick him up from
And at times some light house work.
Me and my son are easy going fun and happy guys.
My son is 11 and is just an extremely well-behaved kid and very nice.
In return for driving my son to and from school you will receive free rent including
utilities and your own personal car to drive. I will fill the car up with petrol so you
can get him to and from school.
Perfect for a Traveler this suits till the end of school this year or the end of this term.
And possibly Beyond.
If this is something that might suit you and you're interested in please contact
Matthew 0413558011

Postcode: 3182 (St Kilda, Victoria)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Ward traileds

Member since: July 2022

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