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Head Chef/cook

Outback Pioneers Longreach, South West QLD

Job Description

This role is a great opportunity for someone who wants to make their mark and develop a distinctive outback offering that fits our target market. We are looking to exceed visitors’ expectations and add imaginative flair but take our inspiration from outback heritage rather than trying to replicate city style or cutting-edge trends.

Qualifications and experience:
● Training as commercial cook (ie Certificate III or IV in Commercial Cookery
● Previous experience in a busy restaurant environment with high quality cuisine and strong
customer service standards
● Preferably experience as manager or assistant manager of a restaurant, cafe or catering
operation including budgeting for efficiency, quality and profitability.

Working hours:
Your working hours and shifts will vary according to the needs of the job. You will be asked to work a 6-day week (including a Saturday) during the April-October peak season.

To Apply, please send us a copy of your resume, with a profile picture and referees to [email address removed]

Postcode: 4730 (Longreach, South West QLD)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Outback Pioneers

Member since: May 2018

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