Horse Farm Work
Glenkowen Stockhorse Stud Hoskinstown, New South Wales
2nd Year Visa Eligible
Job Description
Position available on small horse farm located 20 mins from Canberra.
Starting around the 23rd of May- full time 3 month contract. Suit single or couple.
We are looking for a trustworthy, motivated individual to complete tasks such as:
- General care for horses; feeding, rugging, handling etc
- Daily exercising of horses (either riding or leading from quad bike depending on horse experience/skill)
- Feeding cats/dogs
- Some general house duties eg hanging out washing, cleaning up
- General farm work, fencing, gardening
5 days a week and weekends will be required- horses will need to be fed and rugged, cats & dogs fed etc
We can offer a fully self-contained cabin, use of an automatic ute, fuel and of course wages.
3 month stay minimum (88 days farm work). We can sign off on 2nd & 3rd year visa. References available from past employees. Cruisey job but we need someone competent, reliable and easy to get along with.
Postcode: 2621 (Hoskinstown, New South Wales)
View more Jobs in New South Wales or Farm Work Jobs in New South Wales for backpackers.
Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.
This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Glenkowen Stockhorse Stud
Member since: July 2017
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