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Wonderful Au Pair Opportunity With An Amazing Family Of 3 In Beautiful Brisbane!

Au Pair Care Australia Bardon, Brisbane

Job Description

If you love the sunny days and plenty of free time to explore beautiful Brisbane, then this gorgeous family maybe for you. The family of 3, Dad and 2 lovely children are looking forward to welcoming their fun, energised and positive au pair into their family.

The 2 kids are quite busy with their sports and activities. B plays cricket and Australian Rules Football, he swims and runs cross country.
G plays soccer and does three sessions of ice skating each week. She also swims each week.
Both of the kids like to cook - he makes burgers, and she likes to bake. They regularly go to friends' houses or host their friends for visits, including sleepovers from time to time.
We like to eat out at least once a week and see movies together. On holidays we like to travel, including to our holiday house in Northern NSW.

The family would love help with some simple meal preparation, laundry for the three of us (not beds as that is washed and dried by the cleaners). Helping get the kids ready for and off to school each morning and just general care and guidance for the children with their day-to-day routine.
You will be given a lovely package with your wonderful au pair opportunity of your own private bedroom with ensuite, all your meals and generous pocket money each week.

If you would ,lie to get to know this family better please contact us, we are a supportive free service for all our au pairs with connections and Meet and Greet to meet other au pairs in your area.

Postcode: 4065 (Bardon, Brisbane)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

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Au Pair Care Australia

Member since: June 2017

Employer's email matches the website.

Au Pair Care Australia offers a free, personalised and friendly introduction service for Au Pairs on a Working Holiday Visa (417 & 462) to meet wonderful Host Families all over Australia for a wonderful experience.
Our placements offer live in opportunities from 3 +++ months or more.
We offer all our Au pairs and Nannies direct connection with other Au pairs/Nannies in your area and invite you to our MEET and GREETS.
We have lovely supportive families all over Australia. Please Contact our friendly team to connect you to a wonderful family.
