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Workers On A Free Range Eggs Farm

Hilltops Free range Boorowa, New South Wales

2nd Year Visa Eligible

Job Description

Hilltops Free Range produces pastured eggs from chickens living and roaming freely in the paddocks that are regularly rotated with wool producing sheep. The chickens are housed in mobile caravans and protected by Maremma sheepdogs in each paddock.

We have vacancies for farm worker staff, there are up to two job positions for:

- Outdoor repair and maintenance staff: to help with outdoor chicken feeding, egg collection and transport work, simple repairs to the infrastructure and equipment (requires experience working with animals and experience in driving manual vehicles, welding, carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, metal fabrication or similar).

- Indoor egg processing: requires experience with handling food, or hospitality and machinery operation.

We are looking for people with skills and acumen, who are dependable and outcome-focused.

An asset would be if you have skills as a carpenter, electrician, mechanic, welder, metal fabrication, plumbing or general fixing and maintenance work.

People need to be able to work independently and when required work as part of a team.
Couples traveling together are welcome to apply.

Experience and willingness to work with animals, and working outdoors, is a necessity.

The farm is located 5min from Boorowa NSW 2586.
We are looking for people who have their own car.
Housing option is available at the hotel in town at reduced weekly rates.


We are registered to help visa-holders get their second and third-year visas as well.

Please, email your resume and your skills relating to the work to:
[email address removed]

Postcode: 2586 (Boorowa, New South Wales)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Hilltops Free range

Member since: January 2021

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Farming, Animals & Conservation