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Grapes Picking Hiring 2025

J team Mildura, Mildura

2nd Year Visa Eligible

Minimum Wage Guarantee Information for Fruit Picking Jobs:
Remember, under the Horticulture Award, you must be paid at least the minimum wage for each day you work. If you’re paid by piece rate for a fruit picking role, you should earn at least 15% more than the minimum hourly rate for your classification. Ensure you receive a piecework record before starting, detailing your pay rate. Be informed - you can read more about minimum wage and piece rates for fruit picking jobs here.

Job Description

Recruiting pickers for grapes

Nov-Dec Preliminary work on grapes (picking leaves, cutting flowers, counting flowers, covering)

The season is from January to May
(Will start picking grapes on mid december)

Working hours: 6-8 hours a day/ It will be a day off if it rains

Piece rate:
Plucking leaves $0.90-$3/vines

Cutting grapes $3-10/box
(Depends on the variety and packaging requirements)

The average weekly income is $1000-$1800

Salary: Weekly salary

Accommodation: 150-180/week

2nd & 3rd Visa
Provide legal payslip
Bank transfer

Don't worry if you have no experience. Supervisor will teaching until u can do it.

Don’t be afraid of slow or fast, there is nothing difficult if you have a heart, be diligent and hardworking It's not a big problem.
I will do my best to teach you the tricks.
For more details, you can inquire privately.

If you are interested,
0402525392 (Msg me)
please fill in the following basic information to the following contact information:

Estimated arrival date:
Contact number:

Postcode: 3500 (Mildura, Mildura)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Member since: August 2024

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