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Farm Hand

Precision Olive Harvesting Grenfell, New South Wales

Job Description

One Farm Hand - Full time hours

We are a family owned business located 15km from Grenfell NSW. We are 2.5 hours from Canberra and 4.5 hours from Sydney - perfect if you also want to explore the city on your weekends off.
We operate a mixed farming/ dry land operation (sheep, crops).

You are seeking your 2nd or 3rd visa and want to utilise skills you have already gained.

We are seeking a farm hand to work with us during the harvest season from 25 October 24 (or beyond).
Predominant work will be taking responsibility for feeding/ moving livestock; supporting harvest processes, machinery operations (tractors and truck) and maintenance, fencing and/or building maintenance as required.

Ideally you would have had some previous experience working with:
a) Machinery, feed carts, tractors, 4wd (manual) or similar and
b) Moving sheep, drenching, drafting, marking or similar

Trustworthy, strong work ethic and reliability a must.

We offer a family experience, award wages, your own accommodation, meals and the opportunity to join the community (i.e. sport, church ).

Please understand that the rural environment at this time of year is dusty and hay fever condition high.

Postcode: 2810 (Grenfell, New South Wales)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from Australian citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Precision Olive Harvesting

Member since: March 2024

This employer uses a email account.

We are a family owned business located 15km from Grenfell NSW.
We operate a mixed farming/ dry land operation (sheep, crops) and a contract olive harvesting business . Spanning two properties, "Inglevale" and "Inglewood", our land holding is 2210 acres. Our sheep management enterprise currently consists of Merino and Cross Bred Ewes joined to a terminal sire. Total stock under management is currently 3000 sheep. Our cropping enterprise currently spans both properties with the following grain/legume varieties being grown; wheat, canola, barley, lupins and oats.
Our goal is to be an efficient and productive business that allows flexibility to pursue personal goals and happiness.
We believe in providing a great Australian experience, and welcome you into the family. Accommodation is provided and meals (with keep).

Farming, Animals & Conservation