Backpackers Blog
Media Enquiries: Contact Backpacker Job Board founder, Matthew Heyes, for comment. Working Holiday Maker Visa Grants The following table shows the number of working holiday maker visas granted by year: Year 417 Visas 462 Visas Grand Total 2005-06 114,693 751…Read more 

We’ve collated a list of the most popular employment websites in Australia and ranked them by their estimated monthly traffic and Country Rank according to SimilarWeb. Take a look at the table below to see where Backpacker Job Board features…Read more 

In search of casual, short-term or seasonal labour? Backpackers are the ideal workforce. They’re young, energetic and able-bodied. Post a Job Ad – $30 It’s a unique combination that makes working holidaymakers the ideal hire for a wealth of industries,…Read more 

Why does Australia only have forests on the coasts? To leave room for desert. Dad jokes aside, central Australia is every bit as flat and sandy as its reputation suggests. Until all of a sudden it isn’t, because a giant…Read more 

Winter may not be the season that pops into your head when you think of Australia. That’s often for good reason – in the northern half of the country four seasons are traded for two: wet (the equivalent of summer)…Read more 

The sun, the sand, the smiles; the Australian summer offers up endless fun for backpackers. Unfortunately fun tends to cost money, so working holidaymakers will be looking for a summer job to pay for their adventures. The good news: a…Read more 

Contents: The Nullarbor Plain is a patch of semi-arid desert that stretches from the goldfields of Western Australia across to the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. At 200,000 square kilometres it is the world’s largest single exposure of limestone bedrock,…Read more 

Backpacking is an experience better shared. But if you’re travelling solo or find yourself between travel buddies, you may be looking for some fast friends to share all the excitement and adventure with. Making friends can be tricky as an…Read more 

You probably aren’t going on an Australian working holiday for the money. But if you want to make the most of your time down under, money will probably help. First, some good news: Australia consistently boasts the highest national minimum…Read more 

Can an Australian business employ backpackers? The answer is yes! Assuming the backpacker is travelling on a valid working holiday visa then, yes, any Aussie business can employ a backpacker, full-time or part-time. So the next question is which businesses…Read more 

On the 1st of July 2023, 16 million Brits instantly became eligible for the Australian Working Holiday Visa (WHV). The reason? The age limit for the visa was raised by five years, from 30 to 35. This change, as well…Read more 

How to find a route to sponsorship as a working holiday maker in Australia. All good things must come to an end, the saying goes, and the end of yourAustralian Working Holiday Maker Visa will arrive after 12, 24 or…Read more