Fruit Picking Scam

This information has been provided by Education and Online Services (Consumer Affairs Victoria), Department of Justice.

Job seekers on working holiday visas should be on the alert for scam emails, advertisements and fake websites offering fruit-picking jobs in Australia, for an up-front fee. The advertisements target backpackers seeking seasonal work and often include ‘free’ accommodation at the place of employment.

Working-holidaymakers are particularly vulnerable to unscrupulous operators. Consumer Affairs Victoria advises backpackers looking for work to thoroughly research any employment broker or agency promising jobs, before paying them.

In particular, be wary of job offers that require up-front fees; include ‘free’ accommodation; offer ‘guaranteed’ income or jobs; or advertise harvesting jobs picking the wrong seasonal fruits or vegetables (for example, picking summer fruits in winter).

Seasonal job seekers should also conduct their own research of the crop farming area, including the types of produce cultivated and the harvest times and methods used.

Other warning signs to look out for include advertisements that only provide a post office box contact address (no street address) or any agency that guarantees you a quick visa or sponsored employment to work in Australia.

For further information, view our employment scams news alert and visit the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s job & employment scams page on the SCAMwatch website.

Further resources:

Please assist us by reporting any scam job vacancies advertised on this website. Any such advertisements are in strict breach of our terms of service and will be removed immediately. Please email any such information to [email protected]